Process Rocket meets reimport specialist

Head of Marketing & Communications
Europemobile starts turbo payment processing with

Since 2000, Europemobile has been active in the wholesale and foreign trade of new cars and sells 25 different brands under one roof. The beginnings were written in a converted gas station with a handful of employees, rapid growth and continuous expansion of sales channels took place within 10 years. As an impressive result, Europemobile built its own impressive car dealership with full glazing in Saaldorf-Surheim in 2010. The company is now one of Germany's leading car dealers and is considered one of the most successful in the German EU vehicle trade. From Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW to Dacia, Fiat, Honda, Mazda, Kia, Peugeot, Seat, Skoda and Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo, you can find basically all car brands that today's car drivers know and own.

The innovative company's recipe for success: As an EU new car dealer, import cheap reimport new cars from EU countries. However, new German cars and high-quality German year old cars are also available for sale. “We stand for flexibility and customer benefits across Europe. We do not see ourselves as just a car dealer, but also as a service provider,” Florian Abfalter, Sales Director at Europemobile, summarizes.

Faster payment processing searched and found

In 2019, Florian Abfalter, sales manager at Europemobile, was primarily looking for a simplified alternative to escrow services and bank guarantees for buying cars and transferring large sums of money. The focus was on a completely digital solution. The usual Internet search revealed: Only could offer him what he had in mind. “I did not find any other provider that is tailored to the specific conditions of the automotive trade,” Florian Abfalter explains his choice for The all-in-one solution was developed from the outset in close cooperation with selected and leading automotive retail groups. It is therefore tailored to car dealership processes, contains the appropriate interfaces to systems in car dealerships, has individual customization options and also provides an attractive pricing model with significantly lower transaction costs than conventional payment providers.

It took exactly two days from initial contact to the decision that Europemobile would introduce the new all-in-one digital solution It was on April 16, 2019 when Florian Abfalter received an email inviting him to make a phone call. Sender:, the digital payment management platform for car dealers, developed by Aufinity Group from Cologne. After a telephone call of less than 30 minutes, everything was clear. “I knew right away that we had to do this,” Florian Abfalter remembers the quick decision. One day later, he signed the cooperation agreement with — and it started with an internal revolution in the car dealership. Following the introduction of, payment management processes should no longer be the same.

Easy system implementation — sustainable solution

The entire process, from payment claim to processing to accounting, was completed successfully via just one month after the start of the cooperation. Florian Abfalter is enthusiastic about the rapid completion of the full integration and the ease of use of the system: “Everyone was positively surprised by the system and accepted it very, very well! ” He also attributes this to the fact that his car dealership already had the right mindset, the right attitude towards digitization. An exciting finding for the makers of is that Europemobile customers were very open with the integrated real-time payment option and were happy to use one-click payment when buying a car.

In just the first month after implementation, 80% of payments were processed fully digitally. This shows that, thanks to effortless integration, not only makes things easy for car dealers right from the start. Thanks to the most modern payment process on the market, car buyers also benefit from an absolute simplification of payment processing. Europemobile feels this not least in the lack of response from customers. “There used to be clear, critical statements from customers about payment processing and doubts about our system — we haven't heard anything about this since, that's real praise! “, Florian Abfalter finds. Since the introduction of, its customers now receive a payment link via their preferred communication channel when buying a car. With one click, you can select either a classic transfer in advance or payment via smartphone upon handover or from the comfort of your sofa — without any registration.

Payment management is so efficient with

“Before the introduction of, we had an entire DIN A4 page with impressive options for payment processing. This resulted in a lengthy, cost-intensive and opaque payment process for the customer and our employees. The many payment options alone led to many questions from buyers, which really cost my team time. With, the workload associated with payment is significantly lower, which is why employees were positively surprised by the new system. ” The basis of customer satisfaction is the internal process in the car dealership. Thanks to processes that are more efficient, faster and automated, end customers can benefit from smooth, convenient and digital payment processing. Aufinity Group Co-Founder and CTO Ulrich Schmidt explains: “With, every employee now has transparent access to all claims. Anyone can view the live payment status in real time without having to check with the accounting department. In particular, thanks to the automatic allocation and recording of incoming payments, everyone in the car dealership can now act much faster. The innovative all-in-one solution can save 70% of manual expenses in accounting.”

Europemobile gives top marks to

Europemobile is very enthusiastic about This is also due to the fact that negative prejudices against complex software solutions at have not been true. “Normally, not all functions of such systems are directly available, must still be integrated or cost extra. That was not the case with That was also a positive surprise for us. ” The implementation went smoothly, as did the training of employees to use the application. Florian Abfalter would definitely recommend because “The promised features were all delivered and the product's expectations were exceeded. In the end, everything went smoothly and the cooperation with the team worked reliably at all times,” He is pleased with his success story with, which is far from being written to the end. As a precaution, he has already informed Lasse Diener, co-founder and CEO of Aufinity Group, that thanks to Europemobile's large dealer network, other retailers are now also becoming aware of and are approaching the young, innovative team.

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