Less manpower with more volume

Autohaus Oppel is a company with a long history — the company was founded as early as 1928 by Walburga and Johann Oppel as a freight forwarding company. Over the years, several automotive repair shops were added, then in 1979 the first car dealership as a representative of Daimler-Benz AG.

Information about the company
Founding: 1928 as a freight forwarding company
Branches: 6 car dealerships in Bavaria and Saxony
Staff: 350
numbers: 3,000 new and used car sales per year, 40,000 vehicle runs in workshops
brands: Mercedes-Benz, Smart, Suzuki, Peugeot, Volvo
Growing sales figures result in high administrative costs
Oppel Group has developed significantly since the start of the family business. Susanne Oppel and her employees were also faced with growing costs in internal administration related to payments. “Before working with bezahl.de, we worked with Excel lists in which open items had to be entered for inspection and revised several times,” Susanne Oppel remembers. Payments received from customers were also made to various accounts, which meant additional administrative work. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep sales consultants and buyers up to date with their payment status. Constant calls to the accounting department and manual processing of incorrect incoming payments from customers resulted in considerable additional administrative work.
Cooperation with bezahl.de brings efficient processes
After the initial conversation between bezahl.de and Susanne Oppel and her employees, it was clear that the introduction of bezahl.de had great potential. The ultimate goal for Oppel was to save considerable time and manual effort when checking open items. This was the result of the collaboration between Autohaus Oppel and bezahl.de in 2018. In particular, transparency about the payment status for all important parties in the car dealership and the end customer himself was therefore a convincing added value of bezahl.de for Ms. Oppel.
Cooperation with bezahl.de brings efficient processes Founding: 1928 as a freight forwarding company Branches: 6 car dealerships in Bavaria and Saxony Employees: 350 figures: 3,000 new and used car sales per year 40,000 vehicle runs in workshops Brands: Mercedes-Benz, Smart, Suzuki, Peugeot, Volvo Payment confirmations in real time mean that there are no longer time-consuming calls to the accounting department and customers appreciate the choice of payment method — not to mention the simple and modern payment process. Even with the addition of the other Peugeot and Suzuki brands, the Oppel car dealership was able to cope with the increased volume of work without additional accounting staff thanks to the introduction of bezahl.de.

For the Oppel car dealership, the integration of bezahl.de into the dealer management system two Sales was also an important basic requirement and required intensive cooperation between the two teams. “We've learned a lot from each other together. ” Emphasizes Oppel. In retrospect, she regards the close cooperation and support during the implementation of bezahl.de as an important factor in the joint development of the new process. The smooth functioning of the interface between bezahl.de and two Sales was a significant milestone in the cooperation for Oppel, as the system handles all steps of the sales process — from vehicle ordering to customer relationship management after sales. The successful connection with two Sales enabled Oppel to completely digitize the payment management process — a process that previously involved a lot of manual work.
Fully digitized billing process in all car dealerships
“We are now ready to send all vehicle invoices to our customers by e-mail — that was not possible before,” Susanne Oppel tells us. Customers like the transparent payment status in real time, which they can easily view for themselves online. The necessary expenses and inquiries in accounting have thus been minimized. Open items can now be easily viewed and processed by the accounting department, as incoming payments are automatically compared and assigned. According to Ms. Oppel, this saves the employees of the family business around half a working day per week and significantly increases efficiency in sales processing.
Efficient solution for the payment process
Oppel GmbH would like to continue working with bezahl.de in the future and also extend the cooperation to workshop operations. For now, however, Susanne Oppel is satisfied with the current result: “It all works and it works well! ” Thanks to the successful integration into Two Sales, bezahl.de has also taken a big step that will make it easier to introduce the digital payment system in the future. What was achieved step-by-step with close support at Autohaus Oppel can be implemented immediately in the future.
All important facts at a glance
- Significant savings through automation of manual back office processes
- Efficiency in the sales process through transparent payment status in real time
- Maximum reduction of cash through cashless payment option upon delivery
- Fully automated process without effort through cooperation between bezahl.de and TwoS