Sustainable, social, regional: donates laptops to Cologne vocational college

For generations, the Georg-Simon-Ohm Vocational College has been training tech-savvy apprentices in the fields of electrical engineering, information technology and computer science at dual and full school levels.
Not least because of the focus on IT and media, a modern technical standard is essential for the location: The Cologne GSO provides key digital skills using the latest technology.
With its payment management platform, NX Technologies has established itself as a pioneer for innovative technologies in the automotive sector. In addition to the continuous development of the product, FinTech attaches great importance to being socially involved and promoting regional projects in the Cologne area and promoting the expansion of digitization. The trainees from the Cologne-based start-up have been attending the Georg Simon Ohm School for over two years and have therefore initiated the social project with great interest and commitment.
Thanks to a donation from the payment specialist, trainees will have access to eight discarded Linux laptops, including docking stations, from next school year. Such hardware is particularly necessary for high school projects, as no programs may be installed on school computers, which are necessary for test environments, for example. The donation from thus helps trainees without their own laptop to participate in relevant research projects.
We wish all trainees lots of fun and success with their projects!