NX Technologies GmbH welcomes third generation of trainees

(from left to right trainer: Dominik Schratt; trainees: Vatan Lüleci and Hesat Redzepi)
Since NX Technologies GmbH started in 2018 with just eight payment experts, the company has enjoyed steady growth. More than 90 employees from around ten countries are now involved in the innovative pay.de product and are thus jointly setting new standards for payment management in the automotive sector. In order to be able to meet its own high demand for new specialists, the start-up began training its own young talent in 2020. The third generation is now starting their training in IT for application development at the company headquarters in Cologne.
After NX Technologies GmbH was recognized as a training company in 2020, the Cologne-based company has already attracted three highly motivated trainees, who have been joined by Hesat Redzepi and Vatan Lüleci from 01.08.2022. During their training as an IT specialist for application development, they will not only learn the basics of coding (e.g. HTML, CSS and Javascript), but will also promptly work on process review and optimization tickets themselves. They gain insights into various areas, such as project planning or development departments, and can choose their own focal areas depending on their interests and thus deepen their knowledge individually.
If you are interested in a training company with a modern company structure, an open communication style and future prospects, you've come to the right place. The flat hierarchies and the ability to take on responsibility early on or to be able to flexibly allocate working hours during exam phases are among the advantages that our previous trainees particularly appreciate working at NX Technologies GmbH. Be part of our success story and join us on our #rocketride! You can find more information about our training program in our blog or via e-mail to karriere@bezahl.de. The application process for the 2023 training year starts next February.